
李钱峰, 鲁军, 余佳雯, 张昌泉, 刘巧泉*
扬州大学农学院, 江苏省作物遗传生理国家重点实验室培育建设点/植物功能基因组学教育部重点实验室/粮食作物现代产业技术协同创新中心, 江苏扬州225009

通信作者:刘巧泉;E-mail: qqliu@yzu.edu.cn

摘 要:

植物需要同时协调多种不同信号来调节整个生长发育过程。植物激素油菜素内酯(BR)和脱落酸(ABA)是其中发挥重要作用的两类主要内源信号, 并且在种子萌发、植物抗逆等过程中存在着密切的交叉互作。随着BR和ABA信号通路中关键元件的不断解析, 两者互作调控气孔运动、逆境响应、种子休眠与萌发、植物发育等过程的分子机制研究取得显著进展。本文综述了近年来有关BR和ABA的功能、信号转导通路以及两者互作分子机制的最新进展。

关键词:油菜素内酯; 脱落酸; 互作; 生长发育调控; 抗逆

收稿:2017-11-28   修定:2018-01-27


Advances in molecular mechanisms of brassinosteroid–abscisic acid crosstalk coordinating plant growth and stress tolerances

LI Qian-Feng, LU Jun, YU Jia-Wen, ZHANG Chang-Quan, LIU Qiao-Quan*
College of Agriculture, Yangzhou University; Key Laboratory of Crop Genetics and Physiology of Jiangsu Province / Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Genomics of the Ministry of Education / Co-innovation Center for Modern Production Technology of Grain Crops, Yangzhou 225009, Jiangsu, China

Corresponding author: LIU Qiao-Quan; E-mail: qqliu@yzu.edu.cn


Plant needs to coordinate various signals to regulate its growth and development. Phytohormone brassinosteroid (BR) and abcisic acid (ABA) are two major endogenous signals with essential roles in these processes. In addition, BR and ABA have direct interaction in regulating plant seed germination and stress tolerance. As the successful dissection of the key components of BR and ABA signaling pathways, great progresses have been made in unraveling the molecular mechanisms of their crosstalk in coordinating stomata movement, stress response, seed dormancy and germination, and plant development. Therefore, we summarize the recent progresses on the functions and signaling pathways of BR and ABA as well as the molecular mechanisms of their crosstalk.

Key words: brassinosteroid; abcisic acid; crosstalk; regulation of growth and development; stress tolerance

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